TVS Funding Dramas
In recent weeks both the Australian and the Sydney Morning Herald have covered the funding issues revolving around TVS - most recently Mark Day from the Australian reported last Thursday 14th December:
"the operators of Sydney community station TVS Channel 31 have warned their service will be switched off December 22 if new funding arrangements cannot be put in place. TVS partners Slice TV and the University of Western Sydney are at loggerheads over funding issues and it is unlikely that new funds can be arranged unless Slice agrees to leave the partnership.",20867,20922781-7582,00.html
Previous to this Day had reported on the 7th December that Slice TV had been asked to resign stating that; "Slice says it has been kept in the dark by UWS and management, and has no faith in "a future controlled by the current board."",20867,20883810-7582,00.html
(Do be warned that both of these articles are also largely about AFL).
Meanwhile we have also been alerted to a recent Sydney Morning Herald article detailing the loss of funding to TVS, however so far we have been unable to source this article, if any one by chance has it or knows the details please email us at saveuwsfinearts [at] hotmail.
Why are we not at all surprised to hear of this ? " Slice should blow the lid on what its like to work in such an appalling culture.
Keep fighting dont let the bastards win ! Good Luck folks
Ha!!! read thoselinks on TVS and what do ya get...
UWS is really paying for a TV station that will handshake with seven and ten on football broadcasts...what a genius bit of educational money well spent value that is. And what about the poor old community tv people eh ! Booted off the board without a quorum.
check out this URL its absolutely brilliant piss take on Australian University education
could this be the future? certainly not looks like the present to me.
Great website - scary prospects of possible reality - no staff just run by management.... ahhhh!!!!
CULTURE WRECKERS. Huh !!! and they go home on weekends, mow their lawns and probably think of themselves as good Lefty citizens.
Although it was good seeing some Western Sydney artists being interviewed on Naomi's Wonderland show on TVS e.g. Raquel Ormella, Motel Sisters. IF only there had been more of the good stuff, and the station had served the betterment of the community, the arts and uni.
Going, going, gone
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